Tuesday 10 April 2012

Week 4

It's hard to believe it's been four weeks already!

The weather's been pretty crazy this week, after being so great last week. There's been a lot of strong wind and  rain, so unfortunately one of our rhubarb plants has been battered.

We were away over the Easter weekend, so we haven't been at the allotment much this week, until today.

Today we went to a local gardening shop (recommended by someone at the allotments) and got strawberries, compost, 2 grow-bags, tomato food and some mixed salad plants. It rained the whole way to the shop and then to the  allotments, but then thankfully cleared for a few hours.

So far the only thing to have sprouted is the garlic

Surrounded by bad weeds! So Luke began today weeding while I planted the tomatoes (6) in grow-bags with home-made clotches until they get a little bigger.

Next we planted the strawberries with the rhubarb in bed 6.

Next the mixed leaf salad (bed 4) and the beans and peas. Then cauliflower and broccoli (both bed 4) and leeks (bed 3). For some reason we didn't take any pictures of these.
We decided to dig over a little piece of grass we're not going to use & make a mini bed for our nieces and nephew to dig about in and throw some seeds and a strawberry plant in. We're going to paint their names on the slate too. So this is for them, isn't it CUTE.

Where that was, we found a gooseberry tree, so we transplanted that to a large pot and cut it back in hope it grows again. We also covered over some of the beds to stop weeds growing before we're ready to plant more, and to kill off weed/grass ready for the next beds to be dug.

Here's a peek at what the inside of our shed looks like

And this is the view from the gate, again.

And tonight I planted some Thai and Greek Basil indoors.

Overall we're very happy with how it's all going, and pretty proud of all the progress we've made.

Our next plans are to finish the mini bed for our babies ;) then to dig over another bed, plant sweetcorn and rocket in a few weeks and then potatoes.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pics, brilliant! Keep weeding.
